Usefull Links:

as a store owner you can:

Expand your brand’s
online reach

Add more details about Your Store. add contact details, links, social network profiles & more, all will be gathered in a customisable header banner. Let potential customers & industry professionals get to know you better in our ecosystem of buyers & sellers.

Have multiple administrators

Choose any registered user to help in the management of the store.

Create coupons

And offer discounts or deals to your customers

Get better control
over reviews

You can manage the reviews of your products.

Industry Marketplace Exposure

Let potential customers find you in Lviv Realty’s marketplace with a link to your dedicated store.

Show your location
on a map

So that customers can find you easily. Let them order online & pickup their orders & minimise human interaction.

Let potential customers ask for pre-sale questions directly to your inbox

They can send the email both from the product page and from your dedicated store page.

Set featured products

Focus user’s attention on your main product.


Close your shop temporarily whenever in need

You can choose to keep your products purchasable, or show them in catalog mode.

Communicate swiftly

with customers & other store owner using Store Live Chat feature.


Manage refunds

Partially or totally refund the value of the products purchased in your store.

Showcase your brand

Upload you logo to be displayed in the top of your store.

Be in control, on the go

Built upon Woocommerce & WordPress, your Lviv realty store can be managed using your desktop, tablet or even your mobile device! Already have an online store? Read how to migrate a Shopify or Magento stores into your free Lviv Realty Store.

Manage shipping costs

To fit your needs.


Show shipping info

On each product page linked to your store



& much more…

Ready to start selling online?

Register a free Vendor account

Store owner?

Sell your entire catalog online

For registered Vendors only